As a child I was labelled as the chubby one in the family. From the age of 7 I would get hounded about it, but looking back now, I was just a little bit chubbier than the rest of the kids in the family, but clearly that was not acceptable. My grandparents would always treat me differently, because 1. I was chubby and 2. Because I was a girl. Sexism at its finest. I would have to spend my summer holidays at their house with my brother. Six weeks of absolute mental torture. They wouldn’t feed me a decent portion of food compared to my brother’s plate, and it would be made very clear why. My grandma would take us to the park to play on the swings; I remember she would take out a penguin chocolate bar and give it to my brother and say to me that I am too fat so I wasn’t going to get one. I actually remember feeling so bad about myself and asking myself, why I was like this? Why was I considered as chubby? Why am I the only one not getting a treat? On another occasion my co...